Dreams,  Focus,  Personal Development,  Vision

No One Is Coming, You are The Only One That Can Save Yourself

inner voice, speaking up, personal goals, saving yourself, child like dreams
She Found Her Voice

No one Is Coming, You are The Only One That Can Save Yourself

Don’t be silent because … Have you heard the saying that “good girls don’t make history” sometimes permission will entail you break some trust that you gave when you weren’t speaking up, it will make you push aside some conventional rules to create some unconventional new ones.

It means you believe in what you are talking about or interested in so much you are willing to say “bye Felicia”; to people, places, and causes.

Saving ourselves sometimes can’t be explained in words, only in action.

There are so many stories of people finding their dreams via unconventional ways, by breaking the rules with tradition; people like Sarah Blakey the owner, creator and founder of Spanks. Who after she pitched her idea for Spanks and it wasn’t initially accepted did another unusual presentation in the lady’s room of all places, and that’s how her idea was accepted by Neiman Marcus and even then she didn’t relax but went ahead and paid family and friends an incentive to go buy her new hosiery line at the store.

How much do you believe in your dreams and vision, save yourself by heeding to and going with your guts, your inner voice, your intuition your personal GPS.

Did you give up on a goal or dream; when you had to choose to survive, setting your dream aside because you didn’t know how to SPEAK UP and then silently saying a prayer to get back on track at some point in the future and only to forget you said a prayer. Scribbled it down on pages of paper, typed it up on the computer; do you find yourself thinking about it and can’t open up about your burning desire, that you too were created for more: a word to share.

Finding yourself is the way to get back in the game, it’s having something beyond us to wake up to.

The way you start is with you, hon, you must start with you.


Your activities must be intentionally focused on you finding the real you and as you do this you will start noticing your own inner voice


Starting with you means you think about what you liked in the past and gradually look at what you like now, combine them to find what you like now.

Saving yourself means speaking up even if you haven’t in the past.

It’s about getting in the game; it’s about participating in life intentionally and living it out, it’s about getting back up after you’ve missed it and self-correcting to find your place.

Your activities must be intentionally focused on you finding the real you and as you do this you will start noticing your own INNER VOICE.

Change Watch: DO This – Share with other’s that can keep your confidence, your ideas and your thoughts of the future and as you do so you will be able to give ourselves permission to speak up.


Sincerely in Joy,



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Encouragement from an optimistic single mom. Life changed for me in 2008, and since then it has been an adventure. I have learnt to love the road I am on, and smell the roses while driving on it too. I believe that standards of living can change without a moment’s notice, affecting our old way of life. That Passion can die, and be reignited again. I found my passion and It's writing and the story behind it. I'm super passionate about hospitality, leadership and finance. I am a single mom of boys who wants to change the world through a smile and genuine service. I own up to the fact that I make an awesome follower. I encourage and I inspire. I write, I blog, sometimes - I lead well, and sometimes I follow badly. But the important thing is to get started. I recently met Simon Sinek, the Start with Why Guy and and so continue to inspire the world. Email me for a free 20 minute chat or to help you on your way to your Why. Teafor2andacrowd@gmail.com from my heart, xoxoxo GM

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