Loving Life,  Single Parent,  Teens and Moms

August Newsletter


7 Ways – Balancing Summertime: Kids, Passion and Real-life

Hello moms,

How is summer working out for you so far? The excesses, the cost of summer camps and the drive to pick up and drop of kids if your ex is not helping with the daily/weeklyschedule. Add to that, that there is no structured schedule in the summer.

But as crazy as it sounds, this is when we in “singlemomdom” and our kids recuperate.

This is my first summer as a full-time side gig/hustler or simply put, mom with a side hustle that works a full-time job too! And so far summer break and my side gig are a contradiction. Summer days are filled with activities in the morning and evening and I haven’t been able to focus on much.  Kids bingeing on everything, noise, play, food and pizza (is pizza a form of food or does it have its own category? Yes, that’s called junk food. And bingeing on TV (thank you!!!! Hulu, Netflix and on-demand TV) and games (why did PokémonGO come out this summer) anyway if your kids played Pokemon hope you had fun helping them understand the rules and made some memories too.


I love writing and I write when my 7 year old goes to bed and this worked when the schools were in session, since the break I have not been able to switch that gear in my brain long enough for me to finish an article.

My full-time job is my blessing in disguise. Using my lunch break was for walks, clear my head or draft articles. That was before summer break, now my lunch time is just a time to get my sanity back before heading back home.

So, as we count down to school starting up again and God bless our teachers as they prep for the kids coming back to school, mom’s don’t mope around “pun intended here”.

Our summer time meals on the go!!!!!

Enjoy the last days before summer turns to fall, here are some cool things you can do with the remaining days of summer break with your kids.

  1. Enjoy the last days before the pool closes, most pools close by September 4th. Check with your pool association to find out their  schedule.
  2. Enjoy a walk at the park, go catch them all, #PokemoGo.
  3. Check out the library, there is still time to check out books and catch up on reading before school starts. Also you may still be able to sign up for the summer reading programs.
  4. I love the farmers market, most don’t close until late October, lets support local. Stop and shop at one of the local farmers market.
    My local farmer’s market, so much to discover


  5. My favorite summer treat has been to go get an ice cream with the family and then sit down to finish it not just buy it and walk or drive away, but sit down and be silly with my boys, give it a try too.

    Ice cream, a summer delight!
  6. Something new, anyone? How about introducing yourself and children to a neighbor with kids. How cool will that be? So Hola!!!! somebody.
  7.  Most of us don’t take advantage of our recreational centers, as single mom’s you can’t afford not to, there are lots of free activities for the family and you. And it may also be an opportunity to meet other single parents in your community.

GM, xoxoxo


Change Watch: Challenge yourself to write the memories from the experience down and revisit them next summer. What will you add, change or redo?



Encouragement from an optimistic single mom. Life changed for me in 2008, and since then it has been an adventure. I have learnt to love the road I am on, and smell the roses while driving on it too. I believe that standards of living can change without a moment’s notice, affecting our old way of life. That Passion can die, and be reignited again. I found my passion and It's writing and the story behind it. I'm super passionate about hospitality, leadership and finance. I am a single mom of boys who wants to change the world through a smile and genuine service. I own up to the fact that I make an awesome follower. I encourage and I inspire. I write, I blog, sometimes - I lead well, and sometimes I follow badly. But the important thing is to get started. I recently met Simon Sinek, the Start with Why Guy and and so continue to inspire the world. Email me for a free 20 minute chat or to help you on your way to your Why. Teafor2andacrowd@gmail.com from my heart, xoxoxo GM

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