How Practicing My Morning Routine Helped Me Notice The Things That I Love, The Things That I Value, and The Things That Bring Me Joy!
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When I find time to practice my morning routine it is a sign that life is without overwhelming difficulties or challenges, it’s is always a sign to me that things are in balance and that I haven’t picked up things without letting go of other things, that I am not doing too much. That I am not juggling more than I can handle.
On the days I have too much on my plate, I think to myself why does life always have to be like this all the time, why can’t I always be in balance and why do we need to live an overwhelmed and anxious life?
I love that after a few morning routines have been checked off my calendar planner I’ll walk down the stairs of my federal-style home into my modern kitchen (my house is in Baltimore City and was built in the late 1800s) and turn on my 21st century Keurig coffee maker and make a cup of coffee. Then I walk back up the stairs and check off the rest of my morning routine.
The first reward is my morning coffee. Drinking my coffee comes after my mindful meditation, breathwork, and just before I exercise. Drinking coffee is a quick moment for me to sit in the quiet, reflect, and journal on what I am hearing in my spirit. After that, at times I continue engaging in praise and worship or dive into the bible, but almost all this does not happen if I have not looked out the window in awe of creation and life.
Since we are talking about coffee, I have been adding protein powder to my coffee. This happened after recently discovering in a medically researched article on health dotcom that adding protein powder has several benefits; 1. Protein powder will help me meet my daily protein intake (most of us do not get enough of this the article said), 2. it also will help boost exercise performance 3. Plus it supports weight loss. By the way, the phenomenon of adding protein powder to coffee is called PROFFEE. I think reorganizing my sleeping space and living room space yet again has given me a much better view of the skyline via my window as I sip my proffee in the morning.
The second reward is looking in amazement at the skyline as the sun breaks through my window in the morning! Pretty cool view for a house in the heart of Baltimore City.
“The added reward of having a morning routine is the things that I love and bring me joy “
My morning routines help keep me from getting overwhelmed; overwhelm can come from outside of us and within us. On some days like the rest of the world I do not handle overwhelming situations well and other days I do a pretty good job.
I have for 7 years journeyed to discover my purpose. During COVID-19; all the synchronicities, all the dreaming again, the vision boarding, the workshops and events I attended, all the behavioral surveys, I answered, the mentoring I got from others who could see my potential at work, all the insights I got after asking God questions that journey that started in 2016 came to a reflective point in 2020.
All the reflection and all the thinking and analysis led me to see that I hyperfocus, that I was myopic in thinking and inattentive in situations, distracted sometimes and could not hold all things in memory, and that I did not plan well in advance for things. And there was more … I was a type A person, I Loved meaningful and visionary work, and a natural-born leader. I also noticed another pattern, whenever I reflected and wrote things down in my calendar planner I was more present and was not so distracted from my own life or distracted away from the lives of the people I was a steward of.
I am so grateful that my morning routine helps me externally with overwhelm, and anxiety and helps me see how I want to show up daily. Having a morning routine is a good thing for my interior life – it helps calm my mind down and helps foster a brave mind ready for the day ahead. In addition, it also helps with how I see other people.
I think of my morning routine as a practice, a place to prepare for the day’s challenges. I acquire the mindset and the skill in my morning routine for the day ahead of me. And maybe – like Serena Williams, I use it well and win most shots thrown my way, and maybe like her on other days I fail woefully and have to reflect on what I did not do well and could have done better.
A practical application from the bible: Quoting, or paraphrasing a bible verse in the middle of the overwhelming challenge also helps. As I wrote this I saw a connection, the symbolism of the morning routine with Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV—the instruction to put on our full armor. Even when one is not a Christian I think this is something to be curious about, how can this verse be used practically as a guide, and how can we armor up ourselves daily? For me, the verse means I need to know that life is full of challenges, both the ones orchestrated in the heavenly and the ones here on earth orchestrated by people due to their actions/reactions and mostly not due to malice but self-interest and cluelessness – all a representation of the earthly challenges we like a good hero need to overcome in ourselves daily.
What have you dreamed of adding to your life? Is it creating a routine, or starting a business, or are you that person who would love to start creating content to boost engagement on their social platform?
Get the calendar planner that helps you stay organized and on task to achieve your goals. Click the link here to get the 90-Day Grow Your Soul Self Planners OR Click here to get the 2024 Grow Your Soul Self Planners.
Change Watch & Questions to reflect on:
- Just like last month the question remains how are you taking care of your internal/interior life and exterior/external how are you maintaining both so that you keep standing?
- Why can’t I always be in balance and why do we need to live an overwhelmed and anxious life?
Empowering persons with ADHD, Anxiety, or persons who relate as a Projector who lose themselves in the details of their life to get organized and start living!
Sincerely, in God’s Love!
Mopelola Gloria