My Self-Awareness Journey
Let’s talk about self-awareness; how it is a light that comes in when you don’t even know you have been in darkness, that it seems as selfishness to others but disguised as self-care…
- Budget, Decisions, Dreams, Enlightenment, Entrepreneurship, Focus, Passion, Personal Development, Vision
The #1 Way Out of Lack is … An Education
Having a job means we don’t have to think of the money we need to pay our bills or what to eat or that our car will get repossessed; it takes away stress,…
Romaine Calm – By Jeff Haden
You probably realize you shouldn’t stare at your cellphone, eyes glazed over, during a business dinner, but there’s more to it than that, of course. Practicing proper table etiquette and behaving with decorum…
10 Ways Single Moms can Spend Their Time when the Kids are Away
You (Insert your name here) will and must go out no matter how relaxing staying home feels and looks… flip-flops, cozy robes, hot chocolate and 24 hour cable are a no-no…. So come…
What I learnt from the 2008 recession about financial choices
In August of 2008 I was already part of a group but I just did not know it, I was part of a group of Americans’ that had made bad financial choices prior to…
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