Talking Investing With Girls on The Money Founder, Mabel Nunez – #006
In this episode of the podcast I talk investing with Mabel Nunez, Founder and Chief Education Officer of GIRLS ON THE MONEY an investing education company in the US. Who will enjoy this…
How Margaret Doherty Aka Paid Off $20K In Credit Card Debt – #005
Today’s Podcast is for anyone who’s interested in learning how to pay off their debt or for that person who is already on a plan for debt repayment but is curious and wants…
5 Ways To Help Your Kids Set Goals For An Amazing New School Year
In my home, we set goals for the new school year, I’ve seen how this has helped my kids and me. CDC.gov suggests that goal-setting skills are essential to help students identify, adopt,…
Work: Knowing Yourself and Your Path With Corye – #004
In this episode I talk to Corye Morris, a millennial, esthetician and future nurse practitioner and knowing yourself and your path. We talked manifesting. How she figured out what she wanted to be.…