Dreams,  Education,  Family-goals,  Focus,  Passion,  Personal Development,  Self-Direction,  Talent

2 Types of Gifting and Talent in our Kids

Most kids have gifting and talents that you can notice in them when they’re young, you see it in them as early as 0 to as old as 5 years.

I think it’s the job of a parent to notice what the child likes before it fades away in them. You see, there’s a time when we dream and then there’s a time when reality hits and dreams fade away, we should do the most we can for them when they’re still dreaming.

In elementary school, take them to the museum, the library, take them to the park, take them to the mall to try out the hands on demonstrations at different shops, walk around the school, talk to your child’s teacher, try the public TV channel instead of cable, help them develop a curiosity for other things that are not TV or Social Media related. Take them to Home Depot for practical workshop demonstrations, take them to the festivals in and around your community and at school to learn about other ideas, people and cultures: this is how you develop talents and interests in young kids.

Does your child have the gift and talents that can easily be spotted or the one that’s harder to spot.

There’s a difference between the gift or talent in the child that will be a model, actor, singer, hairstylist, builder and the gifts and talents that they will display, compared to the child that has the gift of encouragement, leadership, organizing, helping, great orator or being a writer or having the gift of teaching.

Which gift does your child have?

Help your children walk in their purpose at a young age.

Sincerely in God’s Joy,


Encouragement from an optimistic single mom. Life changed for me in 2008, and since then it has been an adventure. I have learnt to love the road I am on, and smell the roses while driving on it too. I believe that standards of living can change without a moment’s notice, affecting our old way of life. That Passion can die, and be reignited again. I found my passion and It's writing and the story behind it. I'm super passionate about hospitality, leadership and finance. I am a single mom of boys who wants to change the world through a smile and genuine service. I own up to the fact that I make an awesome follower. I encourage and I inspire. I write, I blog, sometimes - I lead well, and sometimes I follow badly. But the important thing is to get started. I recently met Simon Sinek, the Start with Why Guy and and so continue to inspire the world. Email me for a free 20 minute chat or to help you on your way to your Why. Teafor2andacrowd@gmail.com from my heart, xoxoxo GM

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